Category: Uncategorised

  • Saturday’s Workout

    A: Coach led warmup and stretching. B: 8 Rounds of 4 Power Cleans – Start Light, Finish Heavy C: In Teams of 3 “By His Stripes”3 Rounds – 30m Minute Tapout39 Thrusters 95/65 lbs3 x 3 Laps with Barbell on Shoulder 95/65 lbs100 Sledgehammer Strikes1:00 Dead Hang from Pull-up Bar30 Burpees30 Deadlifts 185/135 lbs Finisher…

  • Friday’s Workout of the Day

    A. Coach Led Warmup and Prep Work B. 4 Rounds for Time29 Kettlebell Swings29 Sit-up29 Box Jumps29 Knees to Elbows29 Burpees C. 3 Sets10 Barbell Bicep Curls15 DB OH Tricep Extensions20 Banded Pull Aparts Previous Workout Next Workout

  • Thursdays Workout of the Day

    A. Coach Led Warmups and Prep Work B. 1,000 Meter Row For Time: C. For Time:21-15-9 Deadlifts Men 135-185 Women 95-13542-31-18 WallBalls. Rest exactly 5 min: 9-15-21Cal BikePush Press M: 95-135 / W: 75-95 Previous Workout — Next Workout

  • Wednesdays Workout of the Day

    A. Coach Led Warmup and Prep Work B. 4 Minutes AMAP: 5 Burpees25 Double Unders C. 10, 9, 8 7, 6,—–>1 Bench Press (3/4 body weight)Power Clean (3/4 body weight)GHD SitupsCal Row Previous Workout — Next Workout

  • Tuesday’s Workout of the Day

    A: Coach Led Warmup an Stretching B. 2 sets:40 Plate Twists 45/35 lbs20 Barbell Goodmornings20 Lateral Box Jumps. 10 each direction C. 4 Rounds of:Run 400m15 Thrusters 95/7510 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (same bar) D: Hollow Holds Drill Work Previous Workout — Next Workout

  • Monday’s Workout of the Day

    A. Coach Led Warmup B. 30 Rounds with Partner for Time3 Burpees3 Power Cleans 135/953 Front Squats3 Jerks3 Burpees Every 5 Minutes, 100m Partner RunSwitch After Each Round C. Core Strengthening Drills Previous Workout — Next Workout