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Saturday’s Workout
A: Coach led warmup and stretching. B: 8 Rounds of 4 Power Cleans – Start Light, Finish Heavy C: In Teams of 3 “By His Stripes”3 Rounds – 30m Minute Tapout39 Thrusters 95/65 lbs3 x 3 Laps with Barbell on Shoulder 95/65 lbs100 Sledgehammer Strikes1:00 Dead Hang from Pull-up Bar30 Burpees30 Deadlifts 185/135 lbs Finisher…
Friday’s Workout of the Day
A. Coach Led Warmup and Prep Work B. 4 Rounds for Time29 Kettlebell Swings29 Sit-up29 Box Jumps29 Knees to Elbows29 Burpees C. 3 Sets10 Barbell Bicep Curls15 DB OH Tricep Extensions20 Banded Pull Aparts Previous Workout Next Workout
Thursdays Workout of the Day
A. Coach Led Warmups and Prep Work B. 1,000 Meter Row For Time: C. For Time:21-15-9 Deadlifts Men 135-185 Women 95-13542-31-18 WallBalls. Rest exactly 5 min: 9-15-21Cal BikePush Press M: 95-135 / W: 75-95 Previous Workout — Next Workout
Wednesdays Workout of the Day
A. Coach Led Warmup and Prep Work B. 4 Minutes AMAP: 5 Burpees25 Double Unders C. 10, 9, 8 7, 6,—–>1 Bench Press (3/4 body weight)Power Clean (3/4 body weight)GHD SitupsCal Row Previous Workout — Next Workout
Tuesday’s Workout of the Day
A: Coach Led Warmup an Stretching B. 2 sets:40 Plate Twists 45/35 lbs20 Barbell Goodmornings20 Lateral Box Jumps. 10 each direction C. 4 Rounds of:Run 400m15 Thrusters 95/7510 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (same bar) D: Hollow Holds Drill Work Previous Workout — Next Workout
Monday’s Workout of the Day
A. Coach Led Warmup B. 30 Rounds with Partner for Time3 Burpees3 Power Cleans 135/953 Front Squats3 Jerks3 Burpees Every 5 Minutes, 100m Partner RunSwitch After Each Round C. Core Strengthening Drills Previous Workout — Next Workout